I contacted chat about this problem, however, it seems my chat tech felt he was done with the conversation before it was concluded. As such, I'll simply paste the chat session below with my notation that I could not be more disappointed in my internet security company who can't even bother to offer security on their own site. The gist of my issue is that if unknown computers being listed under 'My Installs' means someone else has access to my account, then I want to review the log of my sessions on norton.com so that I can identify the exact nature of the security threat.
End Chat
System: Connecting...
System: 97802
William Ralphs: Initial Question/Comment: Showing several installs under 'manage my installs' over the past year, none of which were completed by me, and wondering if my account was compromised. Most recent install shows as the 15th of this month, a time when I'm certa
System: If you are encountering issues with your Norton product after upgrading to Windows 10, or have questions on how to upgrade to Norton version compatible with Windows 10, please visit www.norton.com/w10.
System: Welcome to Norton Support, my name is Elbertson. Please give me a minute to go through the information you have provided.
System: Connected with Elbertson.
William Ralphs: Is there an IP access log or some-such where I can get more information on when/where the installs happened? Is there a reason I'd be seeing installs I did not complete?
Elbertson: Hi, William. I can definitely assist you regarding your Norton subscription. Please take note case number :[Removed] for your chat reference. In the meantime could you please confirm that your email address : [Removed] is active and correctly typed?
William Ralphs: That address is correct
Elbertson: Thank you for the confirmation. Let me go ahead and locate your account,.
Elbertson: May I ask, have you gone to a Pc repairer shop before or purchased Norton online or a retails store?
William Ralphs: I've purchased norton services online only
William Ralphs: no pc repair shop
Elbertson: You may reset your password on your Norton account.
Elbertson: For this one, nothing to worry about and since you already disabled them, . The best advise that I can strongly suggest is to reset your password.
William Ralphs: I see 4 devices listed; all unfamiliar.. natalia, bozena, jerry, siemens.. could those be showing up for any reason other than someone accessed my norton account?
William Ralphs: I haven't disabled anything yet.. wanted to figure out exactly what's going on first.
Elbertson: It is possible that someone has your password on Norton account. Please remove the seats there and then reset your Norton account password.
William Ralphs: if someone has my password, it's a bigger issue than them using my account subscription.. I'd really like more information to determine the nature and origin of this. Is there no log of access to my account?
System: Your chat session has ended. Thank you for contacting Norton. Note that you can copy and paste the above transcript into a document, if you would like to keep a copy of this chat session.
[ Admin Edit: Removing personally identifiable information to conform with the Participation Guidelines and Terms of Service]