I have problems updating Norton and backup. Is there a e-mail address for support?
download NRnR from here:-
and RUN remove and reinstall.
This will update your Norton to version and might solve your ongoing issue.
Still no solution. The problem still exists. Since all the recommendations did not lead to a solution to the problem, the matter remained as it was.
@sander aavisto
Please post progress.
Sorry, all I can offer is:
may be related:
Did you try running Backup from Norton 360 Classic view?
You've run Norton LiveUpdate & restarted machine? and are Windows Admin user account?
You've Run Norton Autofix to detect and repair common problems
yes it version
W11 Home 22H2 (22621.2428)
cant find what version. Where is it marked?
Norton 360 - Classic view -> Help -> About
Norton 360 current version =
Switch between the My Norton window and Classic view
Its norton 360 deluxe, cant find what version. Where is it marked?
screenshot of operating system attached
- Norton product or service name and version
- Operating system - version / build
File Attachment: Backup error.pdf
may be related:
I uploaded screenshot.
Seems that the problem is cloud backup. If I clik on "fix now" the error seen on the screenshot pops up. If I click on details then shows "internal error"
Live update runs.
sander aavisto:I have problems updating Norton and backup.
Does Norton LiveUpdate run?
Does Norton Backup run?
Please explain "problems"?
Please post error message/error code/screen shot.
for example:
Error: (8920,208) "Norton LiveUpdate was unable to install an update"
for example:
Message: "You have fully used your online storage. Please add more storage"
For Norton technical issues please include details for faster assistance from our forum Gurus and contributors:
- This is a public community. Please DO NOT post any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as your email address, product key or phone number
- Norton product or service name and version
- Operating system - version / build
- Norton error message / error code / screen shot
- Steps to reproduce issue
Norton Official Support is via Chat or Phone. No Email support.
Support request generates a case number.
Chat Support offers save & print transcript.
~ Contact Norton Official Support ~
Please review related posts in another thread:
- https://community.norton.com/en/comment/8547107#comment-8547107
- https://community.norton.com/en/comment/8547106#comment-8547106
Maybe, share your geo-location/country.
Maybe, I can post Norton Official Support phone number, if you want?