Update to 360 R2 Vista problems

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Hi yooper46


What was the previous Norton product you had installed prior to the upgrade, and how did you go about installing N360 v2? By that I mean did you uninstall the previous Norton product, or let N360 automatically uninstall the old product and install itself?





Thanks for the response.  I had Norton 360 R1.  I received a notice to upgrade before my subscription ran out. I did not uninstall the previous version.  I upgraded using the automatic route as suggested so I assume Norton uninstalled the previous version.


yooper46 (Joan)

Hi Joan


The first thing I suggest you do here is download and run the Norto Removal Tool  to clear out your previous Norton installations. Be sure to have a copy of your product key before running the removal tool, you should find it in 'My Documents' in the 'Symantec' folder.


Next, go here and download the trial version of N360v2, then install it.


Let us know how you get on, thanks.

Thanks, I will do this right away.  Is this a problem others have had?



Sometimes there can be some corruptions in the uninstall/install process, it’s not uncommon.

OK, I reinstalled.  After installing just Norton 360 R2, everything worked fine.  Then I installed the Add-on pack for R2 and back to the same problem.  Is there any way to just uninstall the add-in pack or do I need to do the whole thing over again?  Really like the Anti-SPAM feature when using R1 in my Outlook.  Is there any chance this could be some default setting that Visita does not like?


Thanks again.



You should be able to uninstall the Add-on pack in Control Panel> All Programs.


OK, I was wrong about working before I installed the Add-on.  I used the removal tool again and just installed R2.  Rebooted and the problem was back before I installed the add-on.  Any suggestions?  I am mad at myself because I normally create a specific system restore before I install anything new and I neglected to do that yesterday.  The check point restore did not work to bring me back to original version.  Any more suggestions?  I still have the install file for R1 360.  Maybe I should remove all and reinstall this since it all worked?



Thanks for all your help today.  I gave up and uninstalled R2 and reinstalled R1 and everything works fine.  Will try again some time when maybe all the bugs are out of it.



Hi Joan


That's unfortunate the reinstall of V2 didn't fix the problem. If it were me, I would stick to V2 until the problem is resolved.


At this point, if you are inclined, I would run the removal tool again and reinstall V2, and if the problem persists, contact online support and have them troubleshoot this for you until some solution is reached.


Let us know, good luck!