Update to NIS 2014 advice

Hi, I am currently running NIS 2013 and I am thinking about updating to NIS 2014. I’ve been having some issues with Norton lately and was hoping that an update would help.

My first question is if it is worth updating? Am I less protected by using an older version of Norton? They are still putting out updates/virus definitions for NIS 2013 correct? Does NIS 2014 offer better protection? Is there a reason not to update?

My other concern is the update process, is it a lengthy/difficult process? I haven’t really looked into it but I have tried clicking on check for a new version and all that does is bring me to a download page which leads me to believe that this will not be a simple and quick process. Is there no magic button that I can press to update it automatically :)? If there is no such thing, is it a simple download and install or are there additional steps (I.e. Uninstall current norton)?

Thanks for any input.