
Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

there are also firewall updates that go out periodically

There are multiple updates per day for phishing protection too.  These updates are typically applied silently.

Thanx Guys.

So AV updates about 3x a day. Will this be the way in the future as well?

s4u wrote:

Thanx Guys.

So AV updates about 3x a day. Will this be the way in the future as well?

I hope so.... gives me a comfort feeling :robotwink:
Evert Maurer 

emaurer wrote:

s4u wrote:

Thanx Guys.

So AV updates about 3x a day. Will this be the way in the future as well?

I hope so.... gives me a comfort feeling :robotwink:
Evert Maurer 

Or at least give people a choice. hourly, two hourly or even daily

I have to say I've noticed that they come out frequently. When I boot up my Vista machine, LiveUpdate asks if I'd like to grab the new updates which of course I say yes to. Sometimes I could reboot a couple of hours later and get the same message... ooo 'more' updates :)


Its always good to know that they're coming thick and fast.

I totally agree. Good to hear it is working for you

I have to say I’ve noticed that they come out frequently. When I boot up my Vista machine, LiveUpdate asks if I’d like to grab the new updates which of course I say yes to. Sometimes I could reboot a couple of hours later and get the same message… ooo ‘more’ updates :slight_smile:



But is there always something to download or is the message on every boot?

Message Edited by Urrell on 04-09-2008 08:44 AM

You will only see a prompt to download new updates if there are updates available. 

Right now updates are once a day.

Are there any plans on updating more frequently?

Hi s4u,


As of Nov2007, NAV and NIS 08 come with 3 antivirus/antispyware definition updates daily. N360v2 also has 3x daily updates.

So why are 06 customers still being supported?


So what are the differences between an update and an upgrade? Do you have to upgrade for maxiumium detection? 

Tech0utsider wrote:

You say that people with 06 or later are still offered product updates.


Does that mean that 06 has the same detection rates as 09?


Does that mean 06 also has 15 minute updates, like 09? 


     Or are the updates the same as 09, only distrubuted to 06 customers every 4-6 hours or whatever the update time was?




The New Product will always have better Dection Rates.


And Norton 2006 Products will not have Pulse Updates; it is only Norton 2009 Products that have this Feature.

Wait. I remeber a mod saying that people using 06 could still upgrade to the latest build of their product...


By Build, does he mean LiveUpdate kind of updates, or versions, such as 07? 



Build = to

Tech0utsider wrote:

So why are 06 customers still being supported?


So what are the differences between an update and an upgrade? Do you have to upgrade for maxiumium detection? 


Still supported because it is good business practice?


Still supported because the later versions of Norton IS and AV may not support an earlier OS that is still in use -- eg WIN98SE (yes people do still use it!). OS Spec for 2009's is XP and VISTA (probably would work on Windows 2000 since that is NT5.0 while XP is NT5.1 but whether all features would work I do not know -- one would have to check with Norton or suck it and see).


Support in this context, as I understand it, would mean updates to security definitions and also perhaps bug fixes.


Those are updates -- you ae still using the 06 version.


Upgrade would mean that you go to the current version, now 09


So I would say Yes you must upgrade for maximum detection because new malware can use techniques unthought of in earlier years and so the earlier engines could not be modified to detect them. Also upgrade to get current performance improvements.



Symantec still issues updates and bug fixes for eariler engines. The basic structure of the engine remains the same, however.


However, 06 engines are by nature superseeded by 09 engines in terms of detection/removal and performance. 06<09.


06 engines are still being supported because a large amount of users use 98 and other legacy systems.


And to answer your question, 09 does not work with 2k. No error message. Creates a "NortonInstaller" directory in Program Files. 

You say that people with 06 or later are still offered product updates.


Does that mean that 06 has the same detection rates as 09?


Does that mean 06 also has 15 minute updates, like 09? 


     Or are the updates the same as 09, only distrubuted to 06 customers every 4-6 hours or whatever the update time was?



markg2 wrote:

Windows 7, My version of 360 is Version:


I have been under the impression that the software automatically updates itself. Further, I have forced a full scan on several occasions that supposedly includes the updating process. Why then is my software (not definitions but basic program) so far out of date?

Hi markg2


YOur software will not update to the latest version automatically with the version you have but will do so in the future with the next release which is currently in Public Beta.


You can update manually to Norton 360 version 4 by downloading and running the install file from one of the following locations depending on what your version is.

Norton 360 v4 Standard: www.norton.com/n360s_4

Norton 360 v4 Premier: www.norton.com/n360p_4


Be sure to back up your identity safe (if you use it) prior to doing the upgrade and then restore it once you have upgraded. Once you have version 4 installed you should run liveupdate until there are no more updates.