Updating Drivers

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Norton updated my audio drivers and it did not permit me to use the computer mic for Zoom. So, I had to reset the computer, and it took a lot of time to get it right again. Once again Norton is wanting to update these same drivers, and I am concerned about doing it.
Issue abstract:

Detailed description:

Product & version number:

OS details:

What is the error message you are seeing?

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

Hello Robert. DO NOT user Norton Driver updater for the very reason you are having this issue. Rely on Microsoft for Windows Updates and your OEM for drivers from their websites. I get driver and BIOS updates on my HP Windows 11 machines straight through Windows Update as well. Manufacturers work alongside MS to deliver drivers and other updates to their products to ensure to the greatest extent possible they work correctly.

Here are a few threads where others have issues with DU:


@RobertJ_Juarez Just following up to see if the suggestion answered your question and you have a solution to the issue.