Upgrade to Norton Internet Security 2009 with Ghost

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Thank you.  Can you tell me why the suggested install method for NIS2008 to NIS2009 upgrade involves manual uninstall, then manual Live Update uninstall?  Is that necessary or should we just simply depend on the NIS2009 installer?

Some people have suggested manually removing first due to past experience with previous versions. With the 2009 release the recommended method is to simply install over the previous version. This helps to preserve some of the settings of your previous release.

I downloaded the uninstall program as directed by the NIS 2009 upgrade.  It removed all my Norton products (which I wasn't happy about), not just NIS 2008.  NIS 2009 then installed properly.  However, when I tried to reinstall Ghost 12, the installation failed.

I've been told that the 2 products are not compatible and that I must upgrade to Ghost 14.  I would rather go back to NIS 2008 and keep Ghost 12 than pay more money to fix this problem.  Of cource, you probably can't downgrade NIS either.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

<< I downloaded the uninstall program as directed by the NIS 2009 upgrade >>


I'm sorry to hear of your experience but where did you find that instruction please? Some users here do say to do that but as you can see here the only way to upgrade if you have other Norton products that you want to keep is to let NIS2009 install on top. It tells you that it will uninstall earlier versions.


The Norton Removal Tool download page does make it very clear that it uninstalls all Norton products ....


I installed NIS 2009 on top of NIS2008 on my XP Pro SP3 system with no problems although the time taken to uninstall NIS 2008 was unexpectedly long and I wondered if it had frozen and with the advantage that my antispam settings were transferred and did not have to be learned all over again.

While I was running the upgrade, it suggested that I download the uninstall product before continuing.  I downloaded and ran it.  It did warn that it was going to uninstall all Norton products.  Like I said, I wasn't happy about that, but I hit the continue button because I thought that I would be able to reinstall them.  I never saw a warning that said by installing NIS 2009 I would no longer be able to install Ghost 12.  Otherwise, I would not have continued.  Now I don't know what to do. 

I have customers running Ghost 10 and NIS 2009 and I also have customers running Ghost 12 and NIS 2009. 


Ira Shapiro

Ira Shapiro Computer Consulting

<< While I was running the upgrade, it suggested that I download the uninstall product before continuing.  I downloaded and ran it.  It did warn that it was going to uninstall all Norton products. >>


I don't think I've heard of this happening but I'll ask. I hope it is not automatic!


<<  ... thought that I would be able to reinstall them.  I never saw a warning that said by installing NIS 2009 I would no longer be able to install Ghost 12. >>


<< I've been told that the 2 products are not compatible  >> Again who told you this please?


Here I hope they may be a misunderstanding or something badly worded. As you can see from irashapiro he says you can run them together.


Do you have the installation media for Ghost 12 that you got when you bought it? Or if you downloaded it did you Save the file rather than Run it?


Please fill us in on more background (including the version of Windows in case that becomes relevant).

This was on a Vista Business 32-bit PC.  I tried re-installing Ghost 12 from my Installation CD.  It had been several months since I originally installed it, so I thought that maybe there was a problem with the disk.  I then downloaded the 30-day trial version from Symantec, but I got the same problem.  I’m waiting to see if Symantec Tech support has any other ideas before I try anything else.  My other ideas are to run the uninstall program again, then try installing Ghost 12 before NIS 2009.  Otherwise, I could download a 30-day trial version of Ghost 14 (assuming one exists) to make sure that works before buying it.  I’ll keep you posted. 

<<  I tried re-installing Ghost 12 from my Installation CD.   >>


Can you describe more what happened -- did you get any specific error messages?


As you can see from earlier in the thread, Symantec Staff -- names in red -- are active here so if there is a known situation or a way to deal with it I'm sure they will jump in soon.


Certainly for some utilities the order in which you install can matter; or it may be a protective feature in NIS that can be turned off while installing Ghost -- NIS does have a feature that protects system files and its own files.


With VISTA one other thing to try is when you install, locate the file that starts the installation -- eg setup.exe -- and right mouse click on it then select Run as Administrator. Although you may be labeled as an Administrator in VISTA you may not be the "top dog" !

The installation process starts fine.  It gets to the point where I choose the destination.  At the point where it should start copying the files to the hard drive, nothing happens.  No error message, just nothing.  I’ve tried turning off the firewall and other features of NIS 2009 before loading Ghost 12, but the results are always the same.

One for help from someone who knows more about GHOST than I do ....


Sometimes you can cure installation from CD problems by copying the entire CD to the hard drive and starting the installation from there. Worth trying?

Update:  I uninstalled NIS 2009 and tried to install Ghost 12, but it still didn't install.  I then reinstalled NIS2009 and downloaded the 30 day Ghost 14 trial.  That loaded successfully, so I purchased it.  When I tried to run Ghost 14, I got an error message "Nvidia openGL driver mismatch".  I was still able to copy Ghost backup files from my external hard drive to my Vista PC.  I researched the error and found out that Vista SP 2 was not compatible with old Nvidea drivers.  I then updated my driver.  Now when I start Ghost 14, I don't get the driver error message and I get past the Ghost statup screen.


Conclusion:  I'm not willing to uninstall Ghost 14 to find out if Ghost 12 will now install but I suspect the "Nvidia openGL driver mismatch" was thre actual cause of the installation problem, not NIS 2009.

Message Edited by ryanoc on 10-30-2008 10:52 AM

Thanks for the feedback.


I never cease to be amazed at the number of problems that get cured by updating the video driver even when it seems they could have no connection!


I guess the video system really is fundemental to all that happens under Windows -- I can think back to my first PC after a couple of TRS-80s which was the Tandy Model 2000 with a 186 CPU. It had difficulties running some parts of Windows 3 because Tandy had written a much better video system that more directly accessed the video ...... unfortunately it was better but non-compatible ....


It's amusing that I found on the internet a copy of a Tandy advert for this PC in which Bill Gates said how much he and his programmers liked it and how much it helped their work -- that might explain the video problems after all!

I've seen instructions for upgrading NIS2008 to 2009 by first uninstalling NIS2008 from add/remove programs, rebooting, and then uninstalling Live Update from add/remove programs.


Do those instructions (removal of Live Update) hold true if another Norton product is installed (Norton Ghost in my case)?



Hello irashapiro,


If you have NIS 2008 installed as well and Norton Ghost, the best method for you to install the software would be to simply run the NIS 2009 installer. It will uninstall NIS 2008, reboot, then install NIS 2009. Any type of removal or change to LiveUpdate should be left up to the NIS 2009 installer.


I hope this answers your question!