Upgraded from N360 to NSB but Online Norton Mgmt still shows N360


I have been a Norton user for past 5+ years. Recently I upgraded all the different Windows PC's from N360 to Norton Security with Backup (10 license option) aka NSB

All of them got upgraded successfully (and during installation process they did indicate about uninstalling the older version).

My issue is that when I log online to Norton Account management (NM) to look at device status, and click on any specific device, they show both NSB as well as N360 installed (though later shows as expired). I tried pressing the trashbin button adjacent to the N360 for each device (in the online norton mgmt) and the page seems to refresh for some time and then it produces a message in the local PC "Failed to uninstall N360" and then the said device in NM will say that uninstall failed

I guess N360 did get successfully remove from each of the PC's (I can't see them in uninstall programs) but possibly the Norton Account database is not updated. This is frustrating as not all the PC's are physically accessible to me and if I have to check whether the system anti-virus status etc is fine, Norton mgmt is the only way and if it shows a RED CROSS mark under each device in NM...So I would need to click on each individual device to know whether it is because of N360 failed uninstall or computer not being regularly updated.

