Upgraded to Win11 and have problems

After upgrading to windows 11 now when i open norton windows are flickering and norton is crashing. Is there a solution to this.

I have reinstalled my GPU drivers and Norton product.

nothing helped norton just isnt working on windows 11 i decided to uninstall it for now until i get info it works.

it could be several things causing issues

you said you did a upgrade to 11, did you back up or uninstall programs ( like norton?)

have you checked for windows updates? could have driver or other updates also

depending on your system it may not be compatable with windows 11 ( windows 11 not norton )

you mentioned flickering that could be a graphics card issue ( speaking generally as you didnt say much on if its all the time it flickers now or when it does flicker)

as for norton you might want to uninstall and reinstall it since the upgrade if havent yet, and run the updates and after that i would click help

in classic mode ( top right) and than on left click get support it will run the auto fix tool, been my experience there is a installtion issue it usually finds after a reinstall, and the obvious restart(s)



i have reinstalled norton from 0

i get flickering images when norton is opened also i get this window saying my firewall is not activated but it is ...i have also reinstalled nvidia drivers...removed old ones with DDU uninstaller.

How did you upgrade to Win 11? If you just upgraded over your existing Win 10 installation you should just reinstall your Norton product. Norton can be sensitive to this kind of upgrade. Sometimes it works seamlessly, and other times it can get corrupted. Just like some other software packages.