Upgrading from NIS 2010 trial to 2011 1 User / 3pc License from Amazon.com

Hello All,

This is my first post on this forum so I highly appreciate your replies.


Well ,I recently puchased in Brazil a HP notebook that came with Norton Internet Security 2010 (version 60 days trial in Brazilian Portuguese language.


So, my NIS 2010 has currently 50 days left to expire and I have just purchased the NIS 2011 1 user/3pc download version from Amazon.com (english language I guess)


My questions are:


1) If I install NIS 2011 right away, will the key I got from Amazon extend my currenty 50 days left license or it will replace it ?


2) Since my NIS 2010 is a trial version, do I have to uninstall NIS 2010 in order to install NIS 2011 I purchased from Amazon ? I really would like to keep all my settings I defined for NIS 2010.


3) Most obvious but just in case: After installing NIS 2011, am I suposed to still get the product on Brazilian Portuguese Language or it will be converted to english ?


4) Supposing I change to NIS 2011 right now. So later in the future (year 2011)  when I start to get an automatic message asking to update from NIS 2011 to NIS 2012, will my license left days to expire be kept or the upgrade process will replace it by a 15 days as I have seen in some other posts in this forum ?


So, what are your thoughts guys ?


Thanks in advance for your replies.


Cheers !

It is likely that the trial version is for only one machine, not three, so I expect that it will need to be removed prior to the installation of the new version.  If you were to put in the key now, you would lose the fifty days remaining.  It is best to wait until a day or two before expiration.


You will need to save your logins for cards and logins for restoring into the new version.  Most of the settings are lost in an version upgrade regardless of how it is done.


The keys are more region specific than before.  I would recommend a discussion with Customer Service chat to ensure that you will be able to get the English version.  There have been a few issues.


When you are advised of a version change, it will be free of charge, and it should pick up the subscription time left.  Usually it is a matter of synchronizing the subscription to the Symantec servers via support>check subscription status.  Most of the 15 day trial problems are the result of user error.




Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. I contacted the live chat as you sugested and the support agent connected remotely on my computer and did all the installation process.


After the installation was done he gave me 426 days on my 366 days subscription. He added 60 days to my one year subscription instead of adding only the 50 remaining days.


Very satisfied.



Hey guys,


I would like to add one other relevant information.

As I guessed, my NIS 2011 is in English instead of Portuguese. Not an issue really. :)


Before marking this tread as solved, I would like to ask one last thing:


If I come back to Amazon and purchase another NIS 2011 1user/3pc license, would it be added to my current 426 days license ?


Thanks all

Hello edisandrolima


Did you get it installed in the language you wanted and will the key result in the same language when you do have to update to 2012 version?


Glad you got it all done to your satisfaction and got all those days added on also.


If you consider this thread as solved, would you please mark the thread which gave you the solution? That way we will know it is solved and all will be able to find the solution. Thanks.


No, it wouldn't be added to your current number of days because you would then have a new key again. You would end up having to separate programs with 2 different keys, but you would be able to use each key on 3 computers. Once you enter a new key, then the count would start at 366 again. Your 2nd purchase would be for the 366 days if you enter it into a 4th computer. Don't enter that new key into the first 3 computers


You could save that key however until your current new subscription ends and then use it a day or two before it ends.