uploading new version of folders to the Zone?

While accessing individual files in Norton Zone, I see that you are able to upload new versions of a specific file.  Sure would be nice for those of us who use folders to have the ability to upload a new version of the whole folder as opposed to individual files.  I modify pic folders on my PC constantly after downloading shots from my cam to PC.  The only thing I know to do is to delete the entire folder and reupload.  This can be difficult since pictures are a never-ending project (in the real word, anyway).  Due to the amount of pics I need to store in the Zone, I upload whole folders and must continue to do it this way (organizational).  Would it ever be a possibility to upload new folder versions as opposed to individual file versions? Would this ever be a consideration?  I haven't seen the option and I've checked every other way.  I'm hoping that there is a way, but it's a dismal outlook...