Using NIS-Computer Crashed-Tried to restore an online backup but the list is empty

My laptop bluescreened on me yesterday.  Since it came preloaded with Windows 7 (no media), I restored it to factory condition, installed trial version of Internet Security (temporarily) in order to restore backups.  Here's what happened when I tried to do this at 3am when I was really tired (I highly recommend that you are wide awake when you do these types of operations!) :)


1. Logged into Internet Security

2. Selected online backups

3. Without checking, I added a PC.  I realized afterward that my PC was already added , so the list showed 2 PC's

4. The PC that displayed my previous backups (I have been using online backup) was linked to the second PC, but the status indicated that the computer was offline

5. Tried a restore and it kept running and running (several hours)--nothing happened.

6. Rebooted, logged back into Internet Security-> Online Backup and deleted the first PC.  Here's where I did the boneheaded thing...I deleted the second PC in the list as well.

7. Added PC back in and now on line backups no longer display---this is the only backup system I have...


How can I get my previous backups to show up so that I can restore the files?  This is extremely important for me.  Any help would be gratefully received.  Thanks out there!

