Using Norton ghost to clone computers

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I have had terrible luck with backups and restores lately.  My last hard drive crashed, and two disaster backups that I had failed ( CMS and Maxtor Safety Drill) to restore the disk to boot up.


I am trying to come up with a plan that works. Ghost seems to do the trick. The idea is I bought 3 new identical Dell computers. I will keep programs on them only, and keep data on a server. I set up machine # 1 and ghosted it to an external drive.  I booted machine # 2 with the Ghost Recovery disk, then I restored to Machine # 2. Just did it, and everthing seems to work perfect, except a monor problem with Outlook  Exchane OST file.


My question is, will this backup idea work? Will windows give any trouble with updates, since the image was from a different machine? This way, I will keep the machines equal, and if one has a hard drive crash, I can just have Dell install a new drive, and ghost back the image. Or if one just gives trouble, I can restore from Ghost. This way I really only have to do a ghost backup of a single machine, and use this backup to restore any of the 3 machines. Opinions please.

Message Edited by calendarman on 07-13-2008 01:12 PM
Message Edited by calendarman on 07-13-2008 06:49 PM

It is Ghost 14.  Yes, I ordered 3 completely identical machines for taht reason. I tried validating Windows on machine #2 after the restore, and it validated fine. I am not worried about licensing agreements, since all I really did was replace the Windows XP that came installed on machine # 2 with the Windows from machine 1, and most of the software I have allows you to use on 3 computers. I am more concerned if all software will work ok,it will work ok. So far it does.

Yes, your software will continue to function.  As to problems you need 100% identical hardware (ensure components have the same revisions, etc).  You're intended use is beyond intended licensing agreements.  I would recommend individual backups for each system.  What you're trying to do is deployment.  I would recommend either Ghost Solutions Suite or Backup Exec System Recovery as those are intended as deployment programs (and those allow for dissimilar hardware).  They are enterprise solutions.



The key to making it work was the fact you have three "identical" computers. Any slight hardware difference and you'd have all kinds of trouble.


You didn't state what version of ghost you are using. I guess there is still an underlining question you must consider, Are you violating any licensing requirements by using Ghost to service three different machines?  I don't know.....


Hang around long enough and someone will post an answer......