Using NSR 2.0 to convert Raid 0 to 1.


Product:  NSW2008 Prem


OS:  Vista64 Home Premium SP1 (all updates applied)


System:  Dell Studio 540, Intel quad 2.33gHz, 8gb, 2 @ 600gb SATA hd in Intel hardware RAID 0.


The present array includes a hidden Recovery volume (WIM format) and a hidden Utility volume (as shipped from Dell).  NSR appears to see them without difficulty.


The remaining volume shows ~80gb of 1.1tb used.  NSR reports its status as “Backed up,” although I have no idea why.


I’m setting up this system for service and would like to convert it from RAID 0 to RAID 1.


I have intended to use an external USB drive to store NSR backup images for restoration onto the (wiped and converted to RAID 1) drive(s).  Other posts on this forum suggest that I may not be able to do so.


I would prefer to restore from a fresh backup but am willing to restore from the Recovery volume if I must (provided I can).


Any advice, and particularly any links to authoritative information, would be gladly received.