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there is no error message, the restore files are still there and the supposedly removed broken links show up again within a few days
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What files and broken links are you seeing return? They could just be older apps on your system trying to access things again that are using old or broken links when they try to ‘phone home’. This would not be a Norton Utilities issue. Norton just finds the links again with the next scan.
The same would hold for your other thread on registry fixes not staying fixed. The registry changes every time you use your computer. So as you use the system, some app, possibly an older app, is creating entries in the registry that Norton finds on the next scan.
I selected 6 restore points to be deleted and a bunch of broken links and short cuts. the response was that they were deleted. Several days later, I had the same number of each of these items showing as available for deletion. I did nothing to recreate these files. The Ultimate did not do the job. I did not do an “undo” either. This looks a lot like a marketing ploy. I pay my money, I want the claimed results
Have you restarted your computer since removing those items? It is possible that some of those items may get flagged by Norton for removal on system restart.