I'm not a PC buff so I don't have any idea what has happned here.
I use firefox and I do a norton full system scan every now n then and it has always scaned over 300,000 file. My latest full system scan scanned only 80,000 files !!!!! I checked all the files in c drive and it shows under 80,000 files. No idea what has happned here and where of the "files" have gone.
I do delete cookies and caches but I am not sure clearing up cache and cookies would remove soooooooo many files. in my case it never has. not from 300,000 to 80,000.
The quick scan shows over 4000 files scanned. which it always has.
Has a virus deleted all the files ????
Is there a way to look into the history where all the files have vanished ???
Very peculiar this
Maybe some bad sectors have creaped in the hard drive.