vault login-get started

when i click on vault icon in toolbar, the icon shows on left side in taskbar but never loads to screen. if i click on taskbar icon it then loads and gives me the screen to get started. this is win764bit, ns22.5. everything was working yesterday. i'm posting this on my xp machine with ns22.5 and was able to login to the vault even though it took it a long time to load to the screen. as i'm typing this, the identity safe taskbar below the norton toolbar is telling me identity safe canhelp you fill forms--create address--x.  this ns 22.5 update has turned norton into a piece of crap. these issues have been going on since june 16 . you finally got id safe working again(auto fill) even though it is still not as smooth as it was. now i can't even log in to vault. everyday is now an adventure, i won't run a scan, cross my fingers when running live update. damn, ns22.2 was a great product, ns22.5 not so much. sorry about my rant, justa little frustrated. thanks for your help.