First of all I would like to start by saying that I completely understand that sometimes no matter what precautions that you take, your computer may get a virus.
I paid, just as everyone else to have my computer protected. It is a year old, I bought it brand new ($1,200.00) with Norton pre-installed/recommended. I have had the protection on at all times and I have it set to check everything daily. I do not visit web sites that I feel could be harmful to the "health" of my computer and download hardly anything! Today, my computer got a virus. I could tell something was wrong. It was running slow, I kept getting pop ups, and many other weird things were happening. It steadily got worse no matter what I tried. I immediately turned to my Norton for help. I made sure that everything was updated to protect against the newest threats and did another complete scan even though one was already completed earlier in the day. It found NOTHING!! I contacted help and support. I was on chat "help" 4 different times, explaining my situation in depth as fast as possible. I was begging the support tech to stop transferring me because at that point they had tried to transfer me SEVERAL times and I never was connected to the next tech , I was just lost. They kept giving me this link to a web site to help me AFTER I had explained that the only thing my computer would let me do was chat with them. Everything else was frozen, jammed, or blocked with a pop up that said "blank". The techs still transferred me. I still received no help. I called the number I had for them. I was on hold for about 1 hour and still had no one answer. I never got anywhere with the phone at all. So, I kept trying on my own to research my problem. If I kept trying and trying I would get to see one web page about every hour or so. I finally figured out where the prob was and was able to download ANOTHER company's antivirus/malware protection and had the problem fixed for FREE in 3 minutes. I was dealing with Norton for 5 hours. This virus that I had is not new, it is a widely noticed virus that most ALL antivirus detects and stops before it does any damage to the PC. When I asked a tech how come I got this virus, he/she replied that it was my fault and was very rude. I was also told I would have to pay them extra to fix it. It was a "fee based" service. I still have over 250 days left to go on my current subscription with Norton. After that you can bet your buttons that I will NEVER do business with this company again. EVER!! The way that I was handled as a paying customer was appalling. I have never been treated so unfairly anywhere. I could not even get one simple question answered with the chat technician. There is no where on this web site for customer service, complaints or anything of that nature. So any customer dealing with issues similar to mine is S.O.L, so to speak. I will also be completely outspoken with anyone that I meet on my experience with this company. Word travels fast. As I sit here, I wonder how many innocent customers have paid the extra fee to have their computer fixed, not knowing that they are getting ripped off? Luckily I have some basic computer knowledge, otherwise I would not have found my problem on my own to know to download the other antivirus. I will also be running 2 antivirus protections at the same time because I would like to protect my investment and I no longer trust Norton what so ever. Customers/Buyers beware and do many searches on past horrible customer service issues with this company. I would not trust this company.