Since I've installed Norton, videos and photos from facebook won't load up, videos from iPlayer won't even appear and Yahoo and BBC News have become distorted. I'm not sure if this is something to do with the firewall or whether it is actually Firefox's fault but if anyone knows how I can ammend it, I'd really appreciate it, because as you can imagine, it is quite fustrating.
SNR wrote:Since I've installed Norton, videos and photos from facebook won't load up, videos from iPlayer won't even appear and Yahoo and BBC News have become distorted. I'm not sure if this is something to do with the firewall or whether it is actually Firefox's fault but if anyone knows how I can ammend it, I'd really appreciate it, because as you can imagine, it is quite fustrating.
Quick question - Have you updated your video drivers lately?
Usually Norton will not block any Facebook uploads and block your player from playing videos. Like dickevans mentioned, please check if your video driver is updated. If you are confident that Norton is doing all these, try disabling the Norton firewall and auto protectand check if it is resolved. You will be able to disable the Norton by right clicking on the Norton icon in the System Tray and then selecting disable Norton. Select the duration for which you want to disable and after applying, check if you are able to uploads stuff in Facebook and play videos... if not... its definitely your video drivers and you will need to seriously consider updating the video driver...