My computer got a virus today. It started I was downloading a game and a NAV message popped up saying
"Smss32.exe is trying to access your computer" I told it to block it and right afterwards my desktop changed to a blue wallpaper with a black box in the center. In the black box were red letters saying:
"Your sysyem is infected!" followed by white letters saying "System has been stopped due to a serious malunction. Spyware activity has been detected. It is recommended to use spyware removal tool to prevent data loss. Do not use the computer before all spyware removed"
If I try to open my TaskManager, Command Prompt or my RegEdit they would fail
At first it would say they were infected and could not run
An hour or so later RegEdit and CMD started working again, but TaskManager said it was disabled by the Administrator
On my task bar in the corner next to the clock a red circle with an X in the center appears every now and then with the message "Click here to protect your computer from spyware" followed by a message basically saying the same thing as the black box on my wallpaper
A box, the normal windows error box, pops up saying
Attention! System detected a potential hazrad (TrojanSPM/LX) on your computer that may infect executable files. You(Says you not a typo) private information and PC safety is at risk. To get rid of unwanted spyware and keep your compuer safe you need your current security software. Click OK to download and official intrusion detection system (IDS software)"
I just click the red X on this box
I checked my NAV Security History and it said that a minute and 2 seconds before SMSS32.exe tried to axcess my computer an intrusion attempt from " (, 80)
HTTP Acrobat PDF Suspicious File Download
12 minutes and 45 seconds before that "Internet Explorer was allowed access to your network resources"
I ran a norton quickscan and it came up with nothing, though I must add I did see something called C:/Fauxvirus/carny ride.exe where it shows the file it is scanning, but searching on the forums came up saying it was just a norton bug or something like that (There was no particularly clear answer that was decided upon)
So I ran a full system scan and it also was clean
I have had a virus similar to this and it resulted in me having to restart my computer, which was a long proccess that used up most of my day and 4gig cds
I do not want to have to go through this again and I was hoping there was some fix to this
A side note I disconnected my computer from the internet (Pulled out the LAN cable) to prevent any other viruses from being put on or information sent out.
When I got a NAV update notice(It was a legit one that I have been getting for a while) I clicked it to update and an IE window opened up to the Norton download site and then an endless stream of tabs kept opening of the norton site. I haven't turned off my computer or logged in fear of my computer blowing up or something(Not literally)
Any help will be great. Thank you