Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Is it Norton who is popping up?
On the main window of the download it advises Computer At Risk…underneath…Virus Protection…At Risk.
Is it possible to post a screenshot?
hi tamlyn - a few quick questions:
- are your virus definitions being updated? they should date from yesterday or today (on the Internet Security tab, look under Settings / Basic Security for your Protection Updates data)
- does anything happen when you click the FIX button?
- what operating system / service pack are you running?
- any luck running AutoFix? (click on Help & Support, then click the Begin Support Session button)
also, you may find an error listed in the log that could help identify the problem. here's how to find that information:
1. Within the program, click the Norton Internet Security tab
2. Open the Reports and Statistics section
3. Click "View Activity Log".
4. At the bottom will be an Error Messages section.
If you can relay to us what you see there I think it will help us figure out what's happening
I wish it were possible. This is a copy of the last response from tech support. I've located Corporate Office phone # in Cal....will be phoning Monday to try and resolve this issue....hoping they'll send me the Disc via UPS to download. If they do....~crossing fingers~.....that will resolve the frustrating issue.
Welcome back to Symantec Technical Support.
> I understand from your message that the issue remains unresolved despite running the intelligent updater and downloading the latest virus definitions.
> I apologize for the delay in resolving this issue. I believe that some of the Norton files might have got corrupted. I suggest that you remove the program using the Norton Removal tool, download a fresh copy and reinstall it.
hi MelodicWynd…thanks for your reply. I’ve already done what you suggested…to no avail. tech support have gone into my system (twice) removed and reinstalled. as mentioned in my original post…it does resolve itself, but when i perform a scan…i’m back to square one. i’m operating Vista…
hi tamlyn - i had a friend that had a similar problem and the problem ended up being related to the location of their Documents and Settings being folder not being on the root drive. The utility in this document was able to eliminate that problem - might be worth a shot if you still have the program installed.
also - i wasn't able to discern from your response if you identified any errors in the log - here was how:
1. Within the program, click the Norton Internet Security tab
2. Open the Reports and Statistics section
3. Click "View Activity Log".
4. At the bottom will be an Error Messages section.
error message received was....*error 3035006*. support tech and myself, went into the Control Panel to rectify the
issue....once again to no avail. have also run *Auto Protect*, and i do thank you most sincerely for your help. i'm hoping
i'll get somewhere tomorrow with Corporate Office.
hi tam - always a pleasure to try to help out. i've seen a few references in the forums to similar problems, and i believe the error code you referenced is the one that this article is meant to address... might give it a shot.
if not, let us know if HQ has the answer - i'm sure it will come up again!
If you are receiving a 3035,6 error, try installing new definitions using the Intelligent Updater and see if that problem goes away.
edit: Actually, MelodicWynd already posted a link to a site that you should try before my approach.
thanks again for your assistance mel. i've already tried turning off User Control. following this procedure does rectify the
situation, until i run a full system scan, then back to square one. contacted HQ this afternoon. unfortunately, the guy i
needed to speak to wasn't available. he'll be contacting me tomorrow at work. hopefully, i can report back here tomorrow
that the issue has been resolved.....
thanks for your post Reese. have tried Intelligent Updater to no avail. i'm hoping once i've spoken to HQ tomorrow i'll
have this frustrating issue resolved.
hi tamlyn - please let us know what you find. i had hoped that the document here would resolve the problem and will be more hesitant to recommend it if you can verify that the tool in the document didn't help:
hi mel.......tool in the document didn't work. presently i'm touching base with Symantec. i've had to download a zip file.....go into command prompt.......run a program that gathers all information, which is uploaded to a Symantec Server, from the info, they
hope to resolve my issue. will keep you posted. i really do appreciate all your assistance....
thanks for the head's up, tam. i think you're in good hands. keep us posted.
where do i begin.....after a frustrating evening, with assistance from my neighbor (comp guru) i've completely uninstalled
Norton. after uploading to Symantec, i was advised *no logs* had shown on their system...could please follow their
instructions again. this was done yesterday morning. sadly, this time i kept receiving *error*. sent an email to the guy
i was touching base with.....said i would try when i got home from work in the evening. tried again, still no luck. that's
when i got the guy from next door over to take a look. he tried 4 times....repeatedly got the same message as i did.it
was at this point (threw my hands in the air). Rick suggested it would be best to uninstall. however, before doing so
he went through the *VPAR* step by step to see, one more time, if he could rectify the issue.....to no avail. have now
installed a program which i never had any issues. will be phoning Symantec today and requesting a full refund.
i was speaking to one of my staff members in the office yesterday...happened to mention the frustration i was having
with my *Virus Protection*. she was telling me, her brother had the same issue.....he eventually gave up, and deleted
the program. he also runs *Vista*. wonders if this is an issue with others who have *Vista*
hi tam - i'm sorry we couldn't do better. i was going back over the thread - was the problem still *error 3035006* after all this time? i'd had a lot of success referencing the repair on that one elsewhere...
i haven't noticed any significant Vista leanings in the groups, except perhaps around scan and scheduler activities. i'm not sure what VPAR is, but i hope whatever you replace Norton with works well for you.