Every time I compile then run my code data protector pops up and says its sending my exe to Norton and blocks me from debugging.
similar reports re Visual Studio & Data Protector over on old Community…now, Oops!
new Community Data Protector [here] & [here] & [here]
When Norton Security/360 v24 [here] comes your way.
v24 Ransomware Protection [here] is akin to v22 Data Protection
Thanks @bjm - lots of links but no solution unfortunately.
Every time I compile and run my code this dialog pops up.
Developers posted similar reports over on old Community.
Boiler Plate response was - create work product folder and exclude same x 2.
Exclude process within Data Protector. Which seldom helped Developers.
Data Protector is/was pita for some.
I’ve needed to turn off Data Protector to install known safe.
Trying to work thru Data Protector objections for known safe was not worth the effort.
not signed & tmp files created by installers seemed to annoy Data Protector.
We users are hoping Ransomware Protection is user friendlier.
Oh!..then you’re v24
Your referring to Data Protector made me think v22
Can you add Bankloader.exe to Apps permission
Does “Bankloader” register as an installed program?
Thanks @bjm yes I have allowed but still each new compile is considered as a new application so it traps as suspicious file
Yeah, similar sounding reports with v22 Data Protector
Did you run Norton Security/360 v22?
Q: and you’ve added work product folder with Antivirus & Scans Exclusions?
curious to See details
So, Norton v24 is working as designed…just not working for Developers.
@bjm You are a star!! Thank you for pointing me to add my exe location folder to Antivirus exclusions…that worked
Oh! Kudos 2 U
@bjm Can I improve the title for this so as to help others?
maybe, Visual Studio + Suspicious file detected
@bjm thanks, but it won’t allow me to edit as its been solved
Edit time probably expired.
Regards w Respect