VMWare Network Issue - Can't disable norton to troubleshoot

Windows 7 64, VM Workstaion 6.5, and NIS 2010


Motherboard died, I've rebuilt the machine and I decided to install norton 2010. I did choose a different motherboard in the process so I don't know which part to blame for my VM woes.


Basically, after my machine goes to sleep (S3), if I immediately wake it, everything is fine. But if it's OFF for some amount of time, after it wakes, ALL of my running VMs networks (bridged) are DEAD. The machine's physical network is fine and I can immediatelty browse. Sometimes I can get the VMs networks back by toggling settings, sometimes not. Sometimes, I have to hard reboot.


So I wanted to remove norton from the picture. But wow, I see that I can't. Unbelievable. I've turned everything off that I can but still my sleep networking issues persist.  I've changed those settings to allow admin access and I've turned tamper protection off but I still can't turn off the service even after a reboot. I understand the need for norton to protect itself but I just can't believe there's no way to let users troubleshoot issues and provide some way to completely turn it off.


Is my only option to UNINSTALL norton? What happens if I decide to reinstall? Does that ding my 3 pc limit another time?