hi i happen to be a legit website and click on a link ( i know but the link had a geniune link it the status bar) any it open the website and that when it happen,
your computer is lock and to unlock pay £100 by means of ukcash
the only buttons to work were ctrl alt del
taskmangers load and the closes, had to shutdown by ctrl alt del screen
when booted up it load it straight up once i log in.
norton bootup virus disk didn't detect it so i had to log into my other windows local account.
msconfig under startup show rgnozohhzlwoqa C:\ProgramData\rgnozohh.exe, have disable it now and found it instal a .file and a found in the same programdata folder, have now rar the file and delette the orginal files
hi i happen to be a legit website and click on a link ( i know but the link had a geniune link it the status bar) any it open the website and that when it happen,
your computer is lock and to unlock pay £100 by means of ukcash
the only buttons to work were ctrl alt del
taskmangers load and the closes, had to shutdown by ctrl alt del screen
when booted up it load it straight up once i log in.
norton bootup virus disk didn't detect it so i had to log into my other windows local account.
msconfig under startup show rgnozohhzlwoqa C:\ProgramData\rgnozohh.exe, have disable it now and found it instal a .file and a found in the same programdata folder, have now rar the file and delette the orginal files