Hello. Earlier today I noticed an entry in Norton that said “Web Attack: Mass Injection Website” was blocked. How serious is this and what can I do? Thanks!
Hi Stu, Welcome to the Norton Community,
This is way over my head, but I just tried to go to that site and received the exact warning message (Mass Injection Website) as you. I cancelled before it fully loaded.
Thanks for checking. I really aprreciate it.
I too tried to access your site with the same warning about Mass Injection Website. Looks like your site has been hacked.
As to why your other admin can access the site...what A/V is he using. This could be a false positive for Norton.
I'm not exactly sure which A/V he's using. He's been rebuilding the board from a clean install each time and then I can get on it and do Admin stuff but after a while after being rebuilt, I get hit again with the intrusion alert.
Others are reporting to us the same thing is happenning with them. We're still researching on what could be causing it. I'll read up on the false positive info.
Hello all.
An update. We changed the forum to another domain name and using a re-direct and so far no more attacks. Hopefully we have it under control now.
Ok. Thanks a lot! :)
Hello. Earlier today I noticed an entry in Norton that said “Web Attack: Mass Injection Website” was blocked. How serious is this and what can I do? Thanks!