Web Protection updates failing to complete

Is it just me?  Can you please check!  I'm getting worried.  It's giving me error 8920, 223.


Norton Internet Security
Error: 8920, 223
Windows 7 Home Premium
Norton Autofix Results: 0 item(s)

can confirm this.


Error Updates Web Protection Definition and x64 Virus Definition... both red X

Restarted PC and virus definitions went through.  But web protection defs still failing.

web definition fail.png

Larger view: http://i54.tinypic.com/o8sbd5.png


Edit: Don't know if this is much useful but found this in log:


Category: Norton Error Reporting
Date & Time,Risk,Activity,Status,Recommended Action,Error Time,User Name,Error ID,Module ID,Feature,Error Code,Product Version,Product Name,Error Description,Computer Name
2011-09-24 23:53:57,Medium,Norton Internet Security has encountered an internal program error.,Error,Find more information on the Symantec website at www.symantec.com/support,2011-09-24 23:53:57,,223,8920,,0x00000000,,Norton Internet Security,Norton Internet Security has encountered an internal program error.,[computer name redacted]

I have the same issue:


Norton Internet Security
Error: 8920, 223
Windows 7 Professional
Norton Autofix Results: 0 item(s)


Here is a picture of the error:


Glad it's not just me.  Now over to you Symantec :smileywink:  I have submitted all the logs by running Norton Community Watch.

Is it just me?  Can you please check!  I'm getting worried.  It's giving me error 8920, 223.


Norton Internet Security
Error: 8920, 223
Windows 7 Home Premium
Norton Autofix Results: 0 item(s)

Norton Internet Security
Error: 8920, 223


Same problem over here!! :(

Same with NIS 2011 too!  I tried NIS2012 but removed it from both of my computer!:smileysad:

What's failing for you guys? Virus defs, web protection updates, or both?  I'm suspecting a faulty update.

web protection updates FAILS!

same issue here (no error reporting tho) 2012 web protection definitions downloaded but not installed 2012 version on Windows 7  X64 ultemate sp1 


Note : this is on localized dutch version


Late Note: seems solved here also now


Even I am facing the same issue and I thought I was the only one. I am using win 7 ultimate 64bits



All OK now.  Looks like Symantec have fix whatever problem has plagued the update.  No more red "X's of doom" :smileytongue:

CASE SOLVED.... :smileyvery-happy:

One thing is common all of us are using 64bit OS. It seems, it is the same issue which happened in March http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Internet-Security-Norton/LiveUpdate-Error-8920-223/td-p/412734/page/6


Edit: Now it is working.



ziaul wrote:

One thing is common all of us are using 64bit OS. It seems, it is the same issue which happened in March http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Internet-Security-Norton/LiveUpdate-Error-8920-223/td-p/412734/page/6


Edit: Now it is working.



Nope my 32 bit XP PC was affected too, so not only 64 bit OS's.


As a side note, it may take up to 2 to 3 LiveUpdates to fully resolve the problem.  If your virus defs haven't been installed (and it failed to install) and you shut down the PC, running LiveUpdate will cause the virus defs to be installed and the web updates to fail.  It would take a second run to fully update the web defs.  The third update is just to make sure no updates are remaining.

Hi Dark Sta,

I already mentioned in my previous post, that it is working. I am no longer facing the issue.




ziaul wrote:

Hi Dark Sta,

I already mentioned in my previous post, that it is working. I am no longer facing the issue.




Was just commenting the problem plagued 32 as well as 64 bit PC.

Ok! Sorry for the confusion. :smileyhappy:



May require a restart. If updates still fails after 3 LiveUpdate sessions, it doesn’t hurt to try rebooting to try and fix the problem. Be sure to run LiveUpdate at least three times.