Website evaluation rating change emails and can't login.


Today I receieved 55 emails from Norton Safe Web about re evalutaion of my website All sent exactly at the same time, 25 stated that the old evaluation had the site and safe but now unsafe BUT 30 stated the opposite!! Don't know which is correct. I went to the page where I can see the evaluation results. My website was unsafe a number of years ago with the files/links currently shown BUT I had the site wiped off the server and re installed a totally different content site to the address (with all the unsafe files/links non existant and still the case). I can't go any further now because when I try to login in as the site owner with my past login details one or kore of the items are not being accepted. Should I re register from scratch? I need to have a proper evaluation done and find out why the auto evaluation service is picking up things that really don't exist on the site or server (if any of the rogue links listed are put into a browser the result is Not Found On This Server).


I need HELP please.
