Website incorrectly flagged as phishing site


One of our advisors recently mentioned to us that our website is being blocked by Norton when he tries to open it up on their Windows machine. I did a Safe Web search, and it is indeed flagged as a "Phishing" site for some reason (

I submitted a dispute twice already and no response so far. We are obviously not a Phishing site, and are passing security checks on multiple sites. Any ideas on how to get help from Norton on getting this resolved?


Thank you! Looks good now

png_16155.png = Safe -> Cryptocurrency

We'll try to call attention:

Dispute submitted successfully = Warning -> Phishing

Norton Safe Web analyzes and rates websites to see how they affect your device.

As a site owner or a site visitor, you can submit the website for the Norton Safe Web rating evaluation.

Please follow the steps below for site rating dispute:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the website you want us to evaluate in the search field and press Enter
  3. Click on "Click here to submit a dispute"
  4. Enter the required details in the form and click on Submit button

Dispute resolution could take up to 2 days and you will receive email notification:

Use this form to submit URL which you believe is incorrectly classified by Norton -
Safe Web URL submission portal -

SafeWeb rating of the submitted website will be evaluated within the next 48 hours:

Site owners

If you are a website owner, Norton Safe Web can work with you to provide a safe environment for internet users.