I just searched around in the Store-App of Windows 8.1 when a Norton notification popped up in the upper right hand corner (some kind of a security alert message; don't remember the exact wording). It told me to click it to get details which I did but I just got forwarded to the desktop. I then checked the history of NIS and just found a normal "Access denied"-entry for wmprvse.exe as the most recent entry. Did the notification come from that? By the way, this isn't the first time, that Norton denied access for this .exe but perhaps I have never been in an app besides the desktop app when Norton denied the access and thus the notification never showed up. I don't know.
Thanks in advance
Edit: I just found this thread: https://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Internet-Security-Norton/Norton-product-message-while-in-Metro-UI-Win8-8-1/td-p/1034649. I think, that is exactly the message I got. Sorry, that I didn't search enough before ;-)