One of our users complained that a box has been popping up on her PC.
Title of the box is "Antispam OE Hook Launcher"
It says "Connecting to" (her email address)
Below that is a text box with her email address filled in
Below that is an empty text box asking for her email password.
Below that is a Check box: Remember my credentials
OK & Cancel buttons.
Task Manager shows the process name of the popup box is "asoelnch.exe" and it has the Norton icon (checkmark in a circle).
Needless to say, she is unsettled by a box popping up asking her for her email password.
What is "Antispam OE Hook Launcher" and why is it popping up asking for email passwords????
Norton Security Version
Norton Antivirus and Malwarebytes scan are both Clean.
No problem. Glad you figured it out.
Maybe cut her a little slack. All office workers are not necessarily that tech savvy. They use the machines, but know nothing about the background. They figure it comes from the internet, so it must be web based. It can be frustrating for support staff, but that is why support gets the big bucks...

As always, we are here if you need us again.
I asked her flat out, how are you accessing your email, web client or Outlook? and she tells me Web client. It turns out she did set up her Email in Outlook, and the PST file is password protected. I'm not accustomed to being told untruths when I'm troubleshooting a problem. But I'm going to let her supervisor deal with that. In any event, I'll take care of this. Thanks.
To be quite honest, I don't know. And she is not technical, and I can't take up too much of her time questioning her. Of course if the problem would happen at will I could trigger it somehow... but it doesn't. It happens when it feels like it. I'll be at the site tomorrow morning.
There looks like there may be more information above the AntiSpam OE..... line. Does that belong to the same dialog box? That might be important.
But this popup, which has been coming up several times over the course of a month, has no relationship to whether or not she is using email at the time of the popup!!! It just appears when it feels like it
Is it possible she has the web mail site open on another browser tab, or in the background while she is doing other tasks?
Sorry, I should have uploaded this sooner.
I spoke to the user this afternoon, and she says it is a web based client. I'm the one who sets up installed clients like Outlook or Thunderbird, and I've never set up an installed client on this PC. Users do not have Admin priv. So she is definitely using a Web based client. Of course Windows 10 sometimes has a mind of its own...
But this popup, which has been coming up several times over the course of a month, has no relationship to whether or not she is using email at the time of the popup!!! It just appears when it feels like it. Which makes this doubly frustrating.
I'm a technician, and I don't like getting my information second hand either. You're preaching to the choir.
I'll be at the site tomorrow morning (eastern time).
Edit. Let me walk that back for a minute. Outlook is installed, as part of the Office Professional suite. However, I'm the only one who sets up Outlook. And it was not set up for this PC or for this user. In any event, I specifically asked her which client she was using, and she said it was a Web based client. If I find out that someone was using Outlook, that certainly changes things.

To turn Anti Spam off, open Norton Security and click on Settings - Anti Spam. Then turn the feature off.

If that does not stop the popup, it would be a help if you could get a screenshot of the dialog box and post it here. Blanking the email address obviously.
Also, if you can confirm it it is indeed web based or local client. And what email provider is being used?
It is difficult to diagnose remotely in a forum venue. It is even more difficult when the poster is only getting the information second hand.
I believe she is using a browser based client, not an installed client like Outlook or Thunderbird.
Which begs the question, why is this box popping up, totally unsolicited?
Why is it remembering email addresses and passwords when nobody told it (Norton) to do so?
Do you think this is normal behavior for an antivirus program?!?!?
And how do you turn this damn thing off?
Because if I see this box again, I'm gonna uninstall Norton and try something else.
That is a Norton file that is part of the Anti Spam features. (I know, fairly obvious by the name).
What email client is the user using, or are they using a web mail web site?
To diagnose the reason for a password being required, try turning off the Anti Spam features in Norton Settings. Then try try accessing email again. If they are still asked for a password, it could just be that the login for that client has timed out. I get this occasionally with Thunderbird and my Gmail IMAP account.
If they are still asked for the password, that could explain the Norton message, as the Norton feature is waiting for the login to the email account.