I have Is there a later version that I should have? ie 19.5 something? I've run the lIveupdate, but says I'm current.
Thanks in advance guys.
I have Is there a later version that I should have? ie 19.5 something? I've run the lIveupdate, but says I'm current.
Thanks in advance guys.
Hi gmoguy:
Welcome to the Norton Community Forum!
The latest version of NIS 2012 that I know of is Have you rebooted your system recently and run Live Update again? It is rather surprising that Live Update did not detect this.
What Operating System and version are you currently running?
Where did you get your NIS 2012 from?
Please let us know.
Atomic_Blast :)
its now
Hi snowstorm:
You wrote: its now
Am I missing somethng?
Is something being pushed out that I don't know about?
Do you have any information on it?
Atomic_Blast :)
Edit - Nothing yet.
this hit live updated
go too page 2 and go down too where you see Tim
Hi snowstorm,
I see what you are saying. That should really be posted at the top of the NIS/NAV Forum, IMHO.
I'm not running Firefox... hope that the NIS version will update anyway to avoid confusion.
Thanks for the heads-up.
Atomic_Blast :)
snowstorm wrote:go too page 2 and go down too where you see Tim
FYI: this link will only work depending on how someone's profile is configured - e.g., how many posts to display per page. For me there is no page 2 because I have my profile configured for 50 posts per page.
A link which will work for everyone is:
To do this you can go to Options > Highlight on the post you want to link to, then copy / paste the URL into your post.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes.
As Tim mentioned, doesn't contain any bugfixes or changes to functionality. It's a very minor update to make it forward
compatible with certain product services.
Functionality wise both NIS and are same.
Please see more information from this link
I rebooted, ran live update, still 19.2. I have win 7 64 home. Have had internet security 2012 since it came out (downloaded from Norton). I'm due for a renewal, and if Internet security 2012 is getting flaky, well....
Thanks in advance.
Hi gmoguy,
At this point, I would suggest this...
Basic procedure for reinstalling NIS 2012 all to be completed with Administrator-level privileges.
Download the Norton Removal Tool located here and save it to your Desktop.
Next, download NIS 2012 from here and save that onto your Desktop as well.
Export all Identity Safe Data (if any) and make a note of your Product Key - you will need it for the reinstall.
Next, open the Control Panel and click on Add/Remove Programs (XP) or Programs and Features (Vista/7)
Uninstall NIS 2012 from the list and reboot your computer.
Run the NRT and reboot. Afterwards, run the NIS 2012 Installer Package.
Run Live Update until all updates are exhausted. A reboot or two might be required.
Please verify that you have NIS 19.5.x at that point (check under Support -> About) If not, please run Live Update again.
Check all functionality. Let us know if the above corrects your issue.
Atomic_Blast :)
Edit - Please read this after completing the above for more detailed version information. doesn't contain any bugfixes or changes to functionality. It's a very minor update to make it forward compatible with certain product services.
I certainly mean no offence to any Symantec employee when I say this, but that has to be the most cryptic statement I've ever seen posted here. A minor update which makes some versions of 2012 "forward compatible with certain product services"? What does that make the 0.145 version? Incompatible? I'm struggling to comprehend this.
What I think is happening is that version is pushed out only to users that doesn't have version (like users who have recently re-installed / installed Norton from the downloaded file). It's either OR
Thanks for providing a solution. Looks like a lot of steps to take just to upgrade to lastest version. I'm a little concerned that the software won't automatically update in the future and that I'll need to go through this process again. Anyone else have this kind of problem and know what causes it?
Hi gmoguy,
gmoguy wrote:
" Looks like a lot of steps to take just to upgrade to lastest version."
It's to help correct the problem, not just to help you upgrade to the lastest version.
There is something very wrong, IMO, as to exactly why Live Update won't bring you up to 19.5.
Let's hope that the above procedure corrects the problem and it never happens again.
Please let us know your intentions. Thanks.
Atomic_Blast :)
Hi, gmoguy. My recommendation is that if you are already at - just live happily with this until the next engine point-upgrade is released.
gmoguy wrote:Thanks for providing a solution. Looks like a lot of steps to take just to upgrade to lastest version. I'm a little concerned that the software won't automatically update in the future and that I'll need to go through this process again. Anyone else have this kind of problem and know what causes it?
Some history: When the 19.5-series was first released, some people had problems upgrading from 19.2 -> 19.5. We now know this occurred because Live Update got part of the 19.5 update in their update cache - and NIS misdetected that as an indication that the full update was already installed on that person's system.
Thus, the full 19.5 update was not installed on systems where the above problem occurred - no matter how many times those people performed a manual Live-Update.
The solution to that problem was to do a full uninstall/reinstall cycle using the procedure detailed in Atomic-Blast's post above. This deleted the faulty record of the incomplete download of the 19.5 update - and thus the full 19.5 update could be re-downloaded and installed.
Since that time, and as a proactive-response, I expect that Symantec have re-engineered the way that Live Update detects whether a point-upgrade has been fully-downloaded and installed or not. This is what is meant by the term "It's a very minor update to make it forward compatible with certain product services."
During the previous problem, I believe that Symantec worked around the 19.2 -> 19.5 failing-to-update issue by introducing an intermediate update that resolved the block and allowed those who were "stuck" on 19.2 to get to 19.5. Now, for the users who are upgrading to 19.5 as a result of being stalled at 19.2 - there is a new engine with a new LiveUpdate that prevents the problem from occuring in future. This saves Symantec the time and energy required to engineer workarounds when subsequent Engine Updates are released.
In order to prevent overloading the Symantec LiveUpdate Servers, the update is not being offered to those who already have - because is a hulking download that doesn't change anything as far as functionality of the NIS Program is concerned. All it does is introduce the new LiveUpdate Engine.
If Symantec engineer their next Engine Update with care - they can work around the problems with the LiveUpdate Engine and get the userbase updated to 19.6 (or whatever they call it) without forcing many people to do a full-pull reinstall like many had to do to get from 19.2 -> 19.5. That option will still be available - should all else fail - but there is no benefit to doing that removal/reinstall in the here-and-now.
Thus, Symantec's recommendation to stay with as things sit. Once 19.6 is released - the vast majority of users will probably upgrade to 19.6 without trouble. At that time, the feedback in these forums will tell Symantec whether or not they have a serious enough problem with upgrades from -> 19.6 to warrant releasing an intermediate upgrade that "unblocks" any problems going from -> 19.6.
That bridge will be crossed when we come to it. If you want to go to the trouble of doing a full-pull reinstall now - you will end up with and you will have a bulletproof upgrade to 19.6. But that's a lot of work that you might not need to go through at all. Wait. It will become obvious soon after the next Engine Upgrade release whether you have a problem or not. If things go smoothly for you - great. If things don't - fix it when you need to.
It ain't broke right now - and might not be broke for you at all.