This evening, I came home to find that my Home Theater PC (Windows 7 Pro 64-bit) had been 'upgraded' to the latest iteration of Norton Internet Security (300 days left on my subscription) - and let me be clear, I detest this new version because there is no network map, I have to enter each PC I want to 'see' (PC name along with the MAC address), and frankly it looks like something Microsoft would've designed (ala Windows 8..., REALLY guys?!) . My problem? Not only did I have no Internet access, but I also could not access my entire home network! From outward appearances, apparently the NIS firewall was blocking ALL TCIP/IP traffic... OK, I thought, I've been down this road before - just un-install and re-install NIS... Boot back up after installation ... Nuh-uh - no go, no network... Try again.. Nope.... And again... same thing... and again... same thing... So now I've un-installed and re-installed FOUR times - all with the same result - no IP, no TCIP, no anything.... So - then I use the "Norton Removal Tool" and at least I get TCIP/IP back and I can access my network. So, I try re-install a FIFTH time - Damn... same results, no network access. Un-install and try NBRT (Norton Bootable Recovery Tool - who knows. maybe something 'nefarious' crept in overnight..?).. NADA.. nothing. Power Eraser - nothing found.. Re-install - no access.. So I un-install.. but this time I CANNOT uninstall...So I shut it down and re-start... no network. Guys- I'm getting a bit perturbed now... So once again, I use the removal tool. Network functionality restored. But this time I go to my account and examine my 'devices' and REMOVE the license for this PC and download and install this damnable new version - and at least I am able to get here to complain. So - guys.. are we taking lessons form Redmond or what? And once more I will reiterate it - I DETEST THIS NEW 'VERSION' , ITS INTERFACE AND ITS OPERATION. It is why I bought six new licenses of NIS because I similarly detest Norton Security which I HAD to buy for my other three PCs simply because I could not buy NIS again... This is NOT a good "customer experience" fellas... Got a suggestion for ya, guys... Be contrary to Microsoft and ASK A FEW QUESTIONS and maybe consider the option to 'opt out' before you 'push' us where we do not want to go. But barring any 'answers' to this 'flaming', I guarantee this is my last purchase of Norton... There are other product out there, guys, and this is making me consider them... I've been a loyal customer for nearly a decade, and you've made a fair amount of money off of not only me, but the 200 other firms with Windows PCs that I make recommendations for (BTW: I have 20 years as an IT consultant..) and how do you think this is going to go now, based on this experience..? Hmm..? Take guess...