I'm going to be getting a new computer running Windows 7 and IE 8. A trial version of NIS 2010 comes on the computer.
Although I am a long-time NAV user on Windows XP, I'm new to NIS having just recently installed it on my XP computer. I have no experience with Vista or Windows 7.
In searching messages on this forum, it appears that NIS disables some features of Windows and IE but it isn't clear to me what the current situation is.
If you install NIS 2010, what features of Windows 7 and IE 8 get disabled or modified?
Is there an official list of this available somewhere?
For the Windows/IE features that get disabled, can they be re-enabled easily if the user chooses to, such as using a windows/IE menu, or does re-enabling require registry changes or removal of NIS?
I'm not planning to re-enable what NIS disables, but I'd like to know what NIS is going to do, and how easy it is to back out those changes.