Good day! What is the difference between RapidRelease updates and Pulse updates.
I thought it is the same . Pulse updates - every 5 to 15 minutes , Rapid release - how often ?
I am asking because something happended twice to me . When I submit a sample to Symantec , I sometimes get a reply that they are preparing definitions , already detected by RapidRelease.
I update my Norton , including Pulse updates and I thought it should be detected . But it isn't . However , if I download the RapidRelease manual update package and install it , the sample is detected.
So , what's the difference ?
Many thanks and Merry Christamas to all who celebrate!
Message Edited by 3GUSER on 12-23-2009 10:37 PM
[edit: changed subject to better reflect thread topic]
Message Edited by Tim on 12-23-2009 10:47 PM