What's The Point Of Having Passwords In A Vault When Anybody Can Just Click On Them To View?

Either I'm missing something (quite feasible :smileyfrustrated:) or IMO Norton Vault has just defeated part of what I perceived as the reason for using it!!


I must admit it's a while since I checked this but I used to have NIS/Vault set up so that if I wanted to see what password I had used for a particular site I needed to re-enter my NIS password.  Due to having just upgraded to Win 8 and due to additional people now being in the house I just checked again and it seems no matter what I set my NIS password requirements to (eg. require password for each logon or just enter it at the start of a session) anybody can just go into my vault and click on the "eye" symbol to see my passwords for each and every site!!


That's absolutely ridiculous!! I may as well leave post-it notes with all my passwords plastered all over my desk.  Surely there's a fault with my installation or I've got a setting wrong???


My N360 Premier is v, automatically updated.