I first found this problem on Tuesday evening when my son was trying to do his homework on his laptop and couldn't access anything on the internet. After trying many things I went into my online family and tried to login so I can check settings and if needed disable the software. It told me it couldn't log in. After somehow disabling the software so my son could do his homework I went to my laptop and went to the online family website and everytime I try to login to my account online it gives me this:
Telling me "
Please, try your request again later.
An error has occurred with our service, your data is safe, but for your protection and to prevent any possible loss of data your request was halted. The error has been logged and reported and we will look into it shortly.
Please return to the home page and log in again. If the problem persists, contact us for assistance."
I have tried this many times over the last 36 hours and everytime I try to log in I get the same error message. Last night my son was using the internet to work on his homework but when he tried to go into his g-mail to e-mail the assignment to his teacher g-mail wouldn't open. Hopefully he can get on the internet on his laptop this afternoon when he gets home from school but I am not holding out much hope of this. My subscription for my other Norton products is coming up for renewal soon and I will definitely be consider switching to something else at that time if this problem can't be fixed.
Is there anyway to uninstal this if the program is not recognizing my login information?