When does the product stop working?NIS2010

It's that time of the year and I am on the count down to renewing,I have the new key ready and waiting to go.I just want to know does NIS2010 count down to hours or you have the 1 day warning and renew on that last day.Trying not to lose any days.By new key I mean I bought a boxed version of 2010+ norton utilities(I am not installing the utilities)

Thanks for your help.

The subscription status displayed, counts down by days. So at the last day of subscription you would have 1 day remaining. Not in hours.

Good to know you are responsible enough to get the new key before hand. Happy renewing !!! :)


I would make sure you renew the subscription on the last day or you subscription will expire giving you some unnecessary headaches

Thanks to both of you will wait till 1 day and then renew.