When will NIIS 2010 be available from Norton on CD?

I was attempting to make an order and use the "CD backup option," when I noticed that they don't have one yet.

I don't want a download as I'll be attempting to download it to somebodys computer that has a slow dial up connection.

I want to install it from CD and also have the program on CD for any future problems.


I don't want to try to download the norton installer and try to burn it to CD, etc. I've done this in the past with programs and sometimes it worked when I installed it to another computer and sometmes it didn't, I don't want to risk it with the norton program.



I tried to e mail norton with no results ( perhaps because they only give you a choice on subjects instead of an open e mail).


So if anyone from Norton could tell me when it will be available on CD, I would be greatful.


Thanks in advance.