Where am I on the page

If it is a browser setting or another setting that I am not aware of please feel free to remove this question.


While parusing the forum topics (such as Norton 360) there are a lot of pages that are full of topics. I read most of them on any given page, however, when you are in the middle of a page, for instance, and you read that topics and then go back to the topcis page it puts you at the top of the page. You then need to scroll down, find where you left off and go from there. If someone was trying to read all the messages this can be an extra, uneeded step.


I've tried both the backspace button and the link in each thread that takes me back to the topics page, both take me to the top of the page.  Not that I can't get along with this but thought it might be worth mentioning.


I am using WinXp home with Mozilla Firefox 3.0.5. 


As always, thank you much.