I’ve installed that, it’s looking good and nice for web-based keylogger, but when I test it with any .exe keylogger, my Threatfire killed that keylogger before starting to work!!! also, after that Threatfire, my outpost firewall blocked that keylogger events!!! so… Hope this work to me too!!!
What about PC Tools “Spyware Doctor”? is it compatible with NAV 2009? I know it has Behavior Guard based on Threatfire technology too, I Think I can uninstall Threatfire and install PC Tools spyware guard, are there any issues/incompatibly between Spyware Doctor and NAV 2009?
Spyware Gaurd is the same as Threatfire. Threatire is more powerful. You do not need Spyware Doctor. Why pay for another security program. Also I dumped Threafire cause it slows your pc bppt and overall reaction time down. Threatfire is not good unless you use it on level 4. Just use Sandboxie instead. What are you using for a firewall? If you use Online Armor then you will have HIPS protection.
You are more then well enough protected. Let me see. Your set up is NAV,Threatfire and Outpost. Cant get much better then that except for using Sandboxie.
Sorry!! that was typo, I was talking about "PC Tools Spyware Doctor"and not "Spyware Guard".
Yeah, I'm using Threatfire Pro in Level 4,
I am using NAV 2009, Outpost firewall pro 2009 (Host Protection Adavanced Level), Malwarebytes realtime protection enabled, KeyScarmbler Premium, I've uninstalled SUPERantispyware because that was a slow program what did not ever do anything for me, that's an old program...
Sandboxie is a few annoying me, I only use it when I feel I'm at risk or test some unknown risks...
also I've setup my mozilla firefox with no script and some cookie manager and.... right now, now I visit every web site safe enogh, but, I'm still looking if Spyware Doctor is better than "Malwarebytes antimalware + theatfire level 4" :)
Too much security is a bad idea. No reason to have so much overlapping security which can actually make you more prone to infections. If you want more prot4ecection the please use Sanboxie. On my laptop its all I use. I can visited any site I want and install anything I want. Simply empty the Sandbox and its gone. Malware Bytes in real time is not need cause there prevention rates are poor but detection rates are great. You really should trim down your set up. Watch Matt's review of Sandbioxie and Malware Bytes. You are way to parinoid.
My real time desktop set up is NIS 2009 and Sandboxie. On demand with MBAM abnd SAS. My laptop is Sandboxie only with custom rules.
You have spent way too much on security. All you need is NAV,Outpost and Sandboxie. Outpost os one of the best firewalls out there and has HIPS which is better then Threatfire’s behavior blocker. Use SAS and MBAM on demand once a week. Trust me on this.
Thank you so much, I’ll listen to you and I would do what you said. just for one week to see how good is that
Honestly why are you so parinoid. I am shocked you are not using Sandboxie.