Someone in a closed thread wrote: "If you click Quarantine from the main NIS window"
My main Norton window (Norton Security version, Win 7 Pro machine) does not show anything relating to quarantine -- and I cannot find it anywhere else IN Norton about where quarantine is. I've just lost a BUNCH of business emails! (Well, "lost"? (god I hope not!) -- the headers are there but the messages are empty!?!?
I've now reset my POP to leave the messages on the server for 6 days -- because apparently it's not uncommon for Norton to DELETE THE ENTIRE INBOX!? (Instead of just a contaminated attachment?) But how do I recover the missing message text?! Most of them do NOT have attachments, so what did Norton do?
I'm absolutely frantic!! This is a business account and it's destroying business messages! (Of course, Murphy's law in action: it left my personal inboxes alone! Argh!)
Help?! Please help!?