White-listing strategy

I'm a software developer and I recently suffered an Insight W.S. Reputation 1 rating on an application installation file when downloaded from my website, even though the file is digitally-signed.


I reported this false positive to Symantec via their Insight Dispute Submission system and, happily, 3 days later, I received an e-mail from Symantec, advising that 'this detection has been removed from within its products'. The file now has a 'Good' Insight rating.


I assume that this file will now be OK until I release a new version, which I do fairly frequently, so I'll then be at risk of getting another false positive and will have to go through the whole process again! 


To minimize the risk of further problems, I think that I should:-


(1) Apply immediately to have the CURRENT software White-Listed, using the 'Never white-listed' option. I think that this is necessary, as I believe that the recent action taken by Symantec to correct the false positive is not quite the same thing as White-Listing.


(2) After the current software has been (hopefully) white-listed and as soon as I've completed the next version, apply for the NEW version to be White-Listed, using the 'Updated or newer version' option. I assume that this process should be quicker than the original one. I will then wait for this to be white-listed before making the new file accessible for downloading. I will repeat this process for each subsequent version of my software.


Please advise whether this is the correct course of action.

