I have Norton 360 and today several emails that I declaired as Spam (months ago) are now showing up in my Inbox. I did not tell Norton Antispam to change the destination, appearently Norton did. Why did this happen? Should I not use Norton Antispam features and just use the Junk Mail feature of Microsoft Outlook?
About 20 days ago I upgraded to the newest N360 and do Live-Update regularly. My subscription automatically renewed within the last 24 hours.
longcaster wrote:
I have Norton 360 and today several emails that I declaired as Spam (months ago) are now showing up in my Inbox. I did not tell Norton Antispam to change the destination, appearently Norton did. Why did this happen? Should I not use Norton Antispam features and just use the Junk Mail feature of Microsoft Outlook?
About 20 days ago I upgraded to the newest N360 and do Live-Update regularly. My subscription automatically renewed within the last 24 hours.
The renewal should not have made any changes to your settings but the upgrade may have. Have you reviewed them to be sure that all of them are as you desire?
For peace of mind and a vast reduction in the number of messages I have to view I use Norton spam, Outlook junk and the filter available on the ISP site for the mail server. Not a perfect solution but it helps keep the volume down to 'reasonable'
Stay well and surf safe
I don't think the renewall had anything to do with the (decleared) spam emails getting undeclaired and going into the Inbox.
This has happened several times in the past (I am a long time Norton user).
I fairly well trust email I declair as Junk in my Outlook Email will stay Junk until I change the destination of where I want that senders email to go.
I have no trust what-so-ever that anything I declair as Spam using Norton Anti-Spam inside of Outlook will stay that way.
I am not changing anything about emails that I have declaired as Spam. Nobody else uses my computer.
The only logical answer about who is screwing around with my incoming email and going to the wrong folder is Norton.
Today there are 3 declaired Spam emails sitting in my Inbox. Norton changed the declairation of where those 3 emails should go.