Why do I now have to be online to do a Full Scan????


Title says it all. Doesn't this behaviour imply my PC is more at risk when its not online now, if the virus signatures are in the cloud and it can't see them?

Noticed this on my XP PC this morning which is the only one of my four that successfully upgraded to the latest NIS/NS so far, the other three (all 8.1) all successfully got bricked (several times over) when manually or automatically being "upgraded".

I don't know what Symantec are thinking with this "upgraded" version but the UI is naff, it's causing a lot of folk a lot of problems by the looks, it feels like a lot of backward steps, and it seems loaded with bloatware now too. I just want it to upgrade, work, and do what I bought it for, not not upgrade, cause a lot of grief, and fatten my PCs etc.

