Why does it take an act of God to get Ghost updated?



I have Ghost purchased from Symantec online and installed on Vista SP1.


I am going to relay the 3 hour scenario where I search for the simple place on one of the tens of confusing symantec websites for "download the latest updates for Ghost 14" and then ask that anyone who knows how I go about this would drop a line.



*) The update center (AutoDetectPkg.exe) says I don't have any norton products (from: http://updatecenter.norton.com/).


*) Created an account at https://www.mynortonaccount.com - no ability to add product licenses 


*) Registered my product at http://www.symantec.com/ - no access to updates and no login account created as far as I can tell (ghost is not on the list of products to do the latest update to on this page: http://www.symantec.com/norton/support/kb/web_view.jsp?wv_type=public_web&docurl=20090121104844EN&selected_nav=1&pvid=


*) The autofix tool I found keeps failing to install saying it lacks admins rights even if I elevate internet explorer before starting (from: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/sharedtech.nsf/docid/1999051911110813)


*) Found and installed LUSETUP.EXE 3.5 - it says I don't have any Norton products when I start it FROM WITHING GHOST (from: http://www.symantec.com/norton/support/kb/web_view.jsp?wv_type=public_web&docurl=20090121104844EN&selected_nav=1&pvid=)


*) uninstalled 3.5 and installed LUSETUP.EXE 3.2 - it says I don't have any Norton products when I start it FROM WITHING GHOST (from: http://www.symantec.com/norton/support/kb/web_view.jsp?wv_type=public_web&docurl=20090121104844EN&selected_nav=1&pvid=)


If I set out to design a process to be confusing, time consuming and alienating, I couldn't do better than what I have experienced this morning.


Can anyone tell me how I can get the updates for my product?




PS I had to suffer through the above and took to the time to document it - would be nice to know this is passed along to someone in charge of designing online customer experiences: