I have a pattern lock on my Droid Turbo, which gives me up to ten tries to unlock it. When I do mess up the pattern, about half the time Norton intervenes with the following:
1)A screen where my only choice is to press a yellow “Unlock” button.
2)Return to the pattern lock, where I can then finish entering it correctly.
3)Screen goes black for about two seconds and it resets to a plain “slide” lock.
4)Back to ANOTHER Norton screen, which asks if I want to reset the lock.
5)Security & Screen Lock menu, where I have to re-enter my lock pattern.
At best, this is an annoyance; at worst, it’s a disruptive nuisance that prevents me from accessing my phone when I need it quickly. I can save time and forego the option to reset the pattern, but then my phone is vulnerable until I get around to securing it again. (Kind of frustrating when your guard rushes for the bolt cutters when all you want is two more seconds to find the right key!)