Why does Norton support write that defragment on SSD runs only in windows 8?

I am totally confused.


Last year I purchased Norton 360 Premium Edition, and for a couple of weeks ago I installed a SSD in my laptop, and the other day Windows 8 and after that Windows 8.1.


Suddenly I saw that my Norton 360 ran the Optimize function and I read that my drive was in the process of being defragmented in this proces.


I couldn't understand that would happen, and I searched for a solution in Norton support, and to my very big surprise I saw this line:


"During the disk optimization process, solid-state drives (SSD) are defragmented only in Windows 8."


My question is: Does that say what it says?  Although SSD's should not be defragmented, why has Norton made it like this (I mean, why do Norton allow SSD to be defragmented, just because your using windows 8??? It makes no sense!


Please help me understanding this. I only hope that I haven't destroyed my SSD !!!  How do I totally disable this function?


N.B.! My version of Norton 360 Premium Edition is:   if this can be any help. I don't know if this version count for a new version or old, because I understand there is some differences there too, when it comes to defragment on SSD.


Sorry for my bad English, but this is not my first language, and thanks in advance for any answer.


Kind regards,
