I have 2 pc's both using NIS2012.
On the network security map page on PC 1, it can see both of my pc's on my wireless network
On PC 2, the network security map only shows itself.
Why doesnt PC 2 see the PC 1 on my network.
I have added PC 1 manually and it appears under trust control, but this still doesn't help me use windows homegroups?
Can anyone help?
Welcome to the forum! 
Which OS is running on each of the PCs? WinXP, VIsta, Win7? Are they current with all service packs & critical updates?
Just as a test, have you tried cabling the PCs to the router ports to see if it works correctly that way?
Both are Win 7, 1 is starter the other is home premium, both are fully patched.
No I haven't tried the cable, I will do that
Cabling both PCs to the router will either eliminate or prove any wireless issues.
marktowler wrote:
Both are Win 7, 1 is starter the other is home premium, both are fully patched.
No I haven't tried the cable, I will do that
If you search for Windows 7 homegroup not working, you will find that Win 7 Basic and below do not support homegroups. Your starter edition has many features that are not available.
A modification to what you say about Homegroup and Windows 7 Starter if this MS Answers is correct -- Starter can Join a Homegroup but not Create one (Same for Basic).
Quite how this impacts on everyday use I don't know since I don't have Starter.
huwyngr wrote:
A modification to what you say about Homegroup and Windows 7 Starter if this MS Answers is correct -- Starter can Join a Homegroup but not Create one (Same for Basic).
Quite how this impacts on everyday use I don't know since I don't have Starter.
Thanks Hugh
I guess I scanned that too quickly.
I do not use Homegroup, I just manage my own network.
I'd been warned about Homegorup's exclusivity so set up my LAN using Workgroup as it was on XP.
I have also set up my home network using the WinXP Workgroup (1 WinXP desktop & 1 Win7 laptop). I can always see the mapped drives on the WinXP desktop from the Win7 laptop, but I can't always see the Win7 laptop mapped drive from the WinXP desktop. It has nothing to do with Norton. Just Windows for ya.