Why is Symantec so concerned with the feature set for NIS 2010?

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The only real problem is Live Update and that is being addressed as we speak. NIS 2009 runs error free on my machine as well as 10 other machines I installed it on. There are only a few cases here. Do you realize how many people in the World are using NIS 2009.? Probably well over 20,000. Alot of erros have been caused by people not unistalling NIS 2008 first. Other errors have been caused by people using other security products. What errors are you getting? So just cause there are a few posts with problems doesnt mean the product is bad. Gezz. Come one now.

Message Edited by Dieselman743 on 10-13-2008 05:35 PM



We are giving our customers an opportunity to voice their opinions early enough to improve the 2010 version. It's never too early to ask!


The majority of engineers are working on Norton 2009 improvements, or Norton 360 v3. Not everyone works in engineering however. The majority of the people concerned with Norton 2010 at this point are product managers or architects planning for the future.

Compumind wrote:

Hi all -


Perhaps I am missing something here.


It would appear that there are problems with NIS 2009, so why is Symantec so concerned right now with the feature set for NIS 2010?


Wouldn't it be more appropriate to address the many concerns with NIS 2009 at this time? Just read the posts.


By making this product better would give you insight into new ideas.



Norton 2009 will be left as is, that means no new features, just bug fixes, until the next release. The only major issue is the LiveUpdate one, and many people, like me, have not experienced it. 2009 is the past. 2010 is going to be big! 

Actually , I some what agreed with Compumind.


Symantec should focus on making NIS2009 more bug free.  Reading this forum (and my personal experience) there are 2 to 3 BUGS.

1) Symantec Service Framework - I have experience this error several times already.  This matter is yet to be resolved.


2) NIS2009 - ICON sometime failed to appared in the SYSTEMTRAY.  For no reasons whatsoever, the ICON for NIS2009 disappeared from the System Tray, I would think NIS2009 still function okay, but it is weird that the ICON can some how not appared.  Users need to reboot the system.  I also have experience this a few times. Not yet resolved.


3) LiveUpdates - Some time lacking in response for Pulse Updates.  This is perhaps one of the most common bugs that users are experience.  I also have experience this error.


4) CPU Usage - Looking at the Background task, there are some tasks that were CANCELLED, NOT PERFORMED or NOT RUN, naturally, if the tasks are stated there, users will naturally concerned about their under-performing.


5) NORTON PERFORMING BACKGROUND TASK - notification does not appear even when NIS is performing task.  There are no explanation on this matter but I would assumed that it will trigger only certain features run during when NIS performing backgroud task.  The first time (when I upgraded from NIS2008, it was okay.  But I reinstall NIS2009 and now no more notification.  I have not seen NORTON PERFORMING BACKGROUND TASK since my 2nd installation (ie:- Sept 28).


I think the above "bugs" are minor except for item #1.  As mentioned by Dieselman743, sometimes the errors are because users failed to remove other AV or NIS properly.  But nevertheless, problems still arise for me (eventhough, I removed NIS2008 using REMOVAL TOOL and I have not used other competitors' AV since 2005).


On the other hand, asking users about 2010 shows that SYMANTEC is keen in improving users experience and making the next version strong and better.  A good Organization will need to plan in advance, it is especially true for Security Organization.


I just hope that SYMANTEC will provide bug fixed for NIS2009 and make in "PERFECT" and then whole heartedly concentrate on NIS2010.


Thank you.




Don’t worry Sea Monster. Those are exact the same things Symantec is working on at this moment

Since none of us know exactly who is doing what at Norton it's not very productive to suggest they should be doing more of one than the other ......


Since customer service costs money you can be sure that they are working to get rid of "infelicities" and bugs and even perhaps to add some features that were not ready when RTM took place ..... who knows?