Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
I think it would help you get a useful answer to your question if you specified very precisely which Zone Alarm you are talking about. There are different versions with different features and there are of course different "generations" of each just as there are for Norton AntiVirus.
If you specify exactly which "model" of Zone Alarm you are referring to including the version number and give similar information on Norton AntiVirus then meaningful comments may be possible.
Without the details however, it is well known that Zone Alarm has issued versions that did interfere with other applications and it is also the case that Zone Alarm has versions that include antivirus detection -- so those could well interfere with any other AV application, not just with Norton.
Are you using the latest version of Zone Alarm free? Also Zone Alarm free does not protect your pc any better then Windows firewall does. Just ask Matousec.com that. If you want a great free firewall then use Comodo or Online Armor. If you want to spend alittle more then get NIS 2009.I have spent many years playing with pc security and Zone Alarm free isnt one of them Zone Alarm pro is good. Nothing can touch Comodo for free firewall out there. Just look and see for yourself. No where on that chartwill you see Zone Alarm Free.
I agree on Diesel.
But if you still want to try than install NAV first , reboor and than install ZA.
Kalma, it’s not intentional. We’ve reproduced some problems with Norton AntiVirus 2009 and some versions of ZoneAlarm. From our initial analysis it appears that we’ve exposed a bug that causes ZA to go into an infinite loop. We are currently contacting the ZoneAlarm folks to get a better understanding of the problem so that they can fix their bug and we can hopefully work around the problem in the current versions.
Many thanks for the explanation -- it's one of the most valuable features of these new Forums that we do get solid feedback from "the source" ! As distinct from "Reinstall Windows .... " <veg>
Yes, I fully agree with huwyngr... That reply is the one I expected from a Company like Symantec which, in my opinion, is solid and trustable. I will wait for news in such a case. Just one comment: I never thought it was intentional, just a mistake on design or a test lack.
With the only aim of replying the other participants I have to say to huwynger that it is quite hard to know the exact version of ZA, since it updates On-Line. The only thing I can say for sure is that I installed 6.032 version of the Firewall free solution (nothing about AntiVirus or other tools, just the firewaill), but it has been updated. Now, I can not see the current version because I had to uninstall it in order to install NAV 2009.
Regarding the Diesel comment, I must strongly disagree. I am aware that ZA is not the best solution around, but combined with NAV it is very powerful... It is an empiric conclusion. I can say this because I have been using this configuration for years, with really good results (not even one intrusion, by the moment). Furthermore, I have been able to detect spyware which already entered my PC (at the very beginiing, when the Spyware detection was not a NAV built-in feature) because ZA alerted me about a "strange" programs trying to acces the Internet. In my experience, it is completely impossible to detect this with Windows Firewall, neither NAV Intrusion Protection. Apart from this, is there any other Firewall which is compatible with NAV 2009 or it only affects ZA? If so, which is the Firewall application price? (I ask this in order to consider acquiring a different Firewall application).
Thanks a lot to everyone for your replies...
And thanks for your feedback.
Now you know where we are, keep coming back even if you do not have any new problems!
I've seen lots of ZoneAlarm posts, on different forums this week.
I really don't think this is a NAV 09 problem.
I think it's a ZoneAlarm problem
In the last 7 days...
It appears ZoneAlarm has caused complete chaos ... Whatever - AntiVirus / AntiSpyware - People are using
AVG 8 .. Is another ZoneAlarms Victim!
From reading different forums...
I'd say that ZA has been causing problems ( On & Off ) ... Since - March
I'm glad I don't use ZoneAlarm
For sure I will!!! count on me, huwyngr (impossible to remember XD)
Following the Diesel suggestion, I'm now installing COMODO Firewall (the answer to my previous question was in the page he attached, thanx)... Nevertheless, it is right now scanning my PC for Virus!!!! Again, shouldn't it be just a Firewall? Why everyone wants to do everything in just "All-in-Wonder" Super-Application??? I'm affraid it will crash with NAV 2009. I will tell you about the results.
First of all, I must say that I am not a ZA employee :-DDD Once this has been said, I must disagree with Zana, since ZA was working fine with NAV 2008, the problems started when I installed NAV 2009 (in fact, it actually warns on the incompatibility problem).
You DO NOT have to run the scanner in Comodo. You have the option to skip it. Its an on demand scanner only to double check if you have a virus. If your system is clean then skip it. Comodo is a firewall with HIPS. See here for an explanation. I used it for many of years.
Comodo is just a firewall with HIPS. Youcan also opt out of the HIPS when you install it. It gives you these options. When installing any software you need to read and understand everything.Do not just click next,next,next.
OK. My PC is now running well after installation. No crashes. Thank you, Diesel, for your suggestion. Now I guess I must "play" with the settings in order to tune the program as well as understand how it works. I have open some threads on their forums.
Jut to clarify: I agree with you it is always very important to exactly know what you are doing on your PC. In fact, I read that page you attached before even downloading it. Nevertheless, I believe program providers should be as clear as possible. I still don't find anything related to a previous virus scanning and the comsecuences of skipping ir or not. Furthermore, I cancelled the scan and then (and only then), the program prompted with something like "If you are sure that your PC is clean, then you can skip this step...". I think this should have been said before, don't you agree?
There is no tweaking needed with Comodo. Just put D+ and the firewall in Safe Mode. Also if your pc is clean wy do a scan. Just cancel it.
Hi everyone, thanks for chiming in on this thread.
In Norton AntiVirus 2009 we removed the firewall to give our customers the flexibility to select a firewall of their choice. However, firewalls that include additional security layers like the anti-spyware protection included as part of ZoneAlarm Pro 7 (ZAP) conflict with the security features included in Norton AntiVirus 2009.
While we are currently planning to address the incompatibility between Norton AntiVirus 2009 and ZoneAlarm’s basic firewall with a product patch early next year, it is not likely we will be able to address the conflict with ZAP due to its inclusion of antispyware protection which conflicts with Norton AntiVirus 2009’s security and protection features. For this reason, we message the user that they have an incompatible software product on their system when they attempt installation of our product over ZAP.
For the best experience, customers should choose a standalone firewall to compliment their installation of Norton AntiVirus 2009, or if they do not already have one, consider upgrading to a suite like Norton Internet Security or N360 which both have the Norton Smart Firewall included.
Thanks for coming in on this with some hard information. Much appreciated.
Is it correct -- I've been quoting this from another message -- that ZA themselves recognize something needs fixing and are working on it themselvs?